Erhverv Norddanmark
– Chamber of Commerce
It is the raison d'être of Erhverv Norddanmark Chamber of Commerce as the unifying voice always to be the region’s most significant business organisation. We strongly focus on value-creating networking groups, inspiring events, and business policy influence through proactive dialogue.
We aim for Northern Jutland to be among the most attractive places in the world to do business and work. This requires the close and trusting cooperation of a united business community – across industries and geographies and in close interaction with educational institutions, the public sector, and the people of Northern Jutland.
Erhverv Norddanmark Chamber of Commerce is the crucial link that generates cooperation. And by building on top of what already exists, we create value for the business community and North Jutland. When business thrives, so does the whole region.
Erhverv Norddanmark Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to facilitating connections for companies and organisations interested in business cooperation with Northern Jutland. We are here to support and foster these relationships.
Hear more from CEO Kamilla Bittmann at +45 26 27 50 61 (mobile) / +45 36 96 06 03 (office).